Graduate & Professional Student Success
Graduate Support at CTL
Check out various resources for graduate students offered by the Center for Teaching and Learning, including: Applying to Graduate School, Graduate Skill, Job Market Preparation, Writing Support, Statistical Analysis, and Additional Support services!
Graduate Student Funding Information
UNM provides graduate student funding in a variety of forms. Many students receive funding through service awards such as assistantships, which are generally offered through the student's program or department. Some assistantships are offered through campus or student organizations (for listings, check "Employment Opportunities" below or contact an organization or department directly, as not all organizations and departments list their assistantships through Graduate Studies). Students often obtain funding through non-service awards, such as fellowships, grants, and scholarships. You can apply for support based funding solely on need, in the form of work-study and loans, through the University Financial Aid Office.
Graduate Degree Completion Resources
Graduate Teaching Academy
Graduate Studies and the Center for Teaching and Learning are pleased to offer the Graduate Teaching Academy Certificate for all UNM graduate students who are teaching (or planning to teach) college courses. Those who complete Academy training will receive a non-transcripted certificate in college teaching, which will enhance their CVs and improve their chances of placement as faculty and lecturers at colleges and universities.
OMBUDS Services
Ombuds Services offers skilled, neutral listening, resources referrals, and communication and collaborative problem-solving support. Ombuds work with individual visitors is confidential, and visitors feel heard and supported in their efforts to build communication and collaboration.