Facilities and Space Management

The Academic Affairs Facilities and Space Management is a team dedicated to providing facilities and space management guidance to units within Academic Affairs. Centralized under the Assistant Vice President for Academic Resource Management within the Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, this team acts as building coordinator for multiple buildings across campus, facilitates capital projects, participates on planning committees, and works with administrative offices across campus to serve as the liaison for Academic Affairs on all facility and space management efforts.

Connect With Us

Please contact us via email at aafacilities@unm.edu.

Lea Briggs

Lea Briggs

Academic Facility & Space Manager
Scholes Hall Room 250C
MSC05 3400

Araceli Ramirez

Araceli Ramirez

Professional Intern
Scholes Hall
MSC05 3400

Building Coordinator

The Academic Affairs Facilities and Space Management team is the building coordinator for the following buildings across campus:

  • Collaborative Teach and Learning Building (Bldg. 55)
  • Dane Smith Hall (Bldg. 48)
  • Engineering and Science Computer Pod (Bldg. 2)
  • Kiva Auditorium (Bldg. 69)
  • Mitchell Hall (Bldg. 23)
  • Parish Hall (Bldg. 87)
  • Sara Raynolds Hall (Bldg. 104)
  • Veterans and Military Resource Center (Bldg. 20A)
  • Woodward Lecture Hall (Bldg. 82)

Emergency plans for these building can be found: Environmental Health & Safety
