
Resources for faculty and staff

Counseling, Assistance & Referral Services (CARS)

CARS promotes a healthy work-life balance by providing confidential on-site and remote services to assist UNM faculty and staff members with professional and personal concerns. Services include counseling on a wide range of issues such as anxiety, depression, relationship difficulties, stress, job burnout, coworker conflict, eldercare, parenting, alcohol and drug use, grief and loss, managing change and preparing for retirement. CARS provides other services, such as workshops and training, supervisor and manager workplace consultations, critical incident debriefing and grief intervention and referrals for services within the UNM Community and in the larger communities the client resides in.

Ombuds Services

The UNM University Ombuds office provides faculty with confidential consultation and facilitation services for workplace concerns and conflicts. The purpose of Ombuds services is to help resolve problems early, informally, and confidentially. Effective fall 2023, all ombuds services for faculty, staff, and graduate students will be consolidated through a single office.

Ombuds Services is a no-barrier, first-stop for UNM employees, their co-workers, and graduate students seeking a safe place and a trustworthy process that supports visitors' efforts to figure out how to best move forward. We can be your skilled neutral sounding board and help you navigate UNM resources and systems. Visits are free, off-the-record, confidential, independent, and informal.

Americans with Disabilities Acts (ADA) Policies

Under the ADA, the University must make reasonable accommodations to accommodate qualified individuals with a disability unless the accommodations would create an “undue hardship.” Whether an accommodation constitutes an undue hardship will be determined on a case-by-case basis. UNM Policies can be found at www.policy.unm.edu.

Policy 3100, regarding Reasonable Accommodation for Employees, Job Applicants, and Participants with Disabilities, can be found here.

Policy 2310, regarding Reasonable Accommodation for Students with Disabilities, can be found here.

Women’s Resource Center

The Women’s Resource Center is a place of advocacy, support, and safety for all members of the University of New Mexico and greater community. Through a feminist model of empowerment, we offer educational, social, and cultural programming aimed at encouraging women’s self-determination and community engagement. The Women’s Resource Center promotes awareness and the advancement of women’s rights to ensure equity regardless of gender identity, sex, race, ability status, age, sexual orientation, economic class, or religious affiliation. We seek to facilitate understanding and mutual respect among all campus and community members to achieve social justice, as well as foster a positive UNM environment. The Women’s Resource Center provides the tools and resources necessary to enhance success within academic, personal, and professional aspects of students’ lives.

Educate university policy makers, students, faculty, staff, and the public regarding issues that affect women focusing especially on the interaction of sex, gender, race, class, and other forms of oppression. Plan special events that enhance, support, and empower women on campus and in the local community. Educate, support, and provide a safe space for women on campus through cultural and educational programming. Provide peer education, mentoring, and scholarship opportunities. Enhance students’ persistence toward degree completion.

Equity and Inclusion Concerns

The Division of Institutional Diversity was formed to strengthen organizational capacity to serve UNM's diverse student body. The state of New Mexico is comprised of 58% minority population, and as its flagship institution UNM boasts 43% minority students at its main campus. In its branch campuses of Gallup, Taos, and Valencia County, minority students outnumber non-minority students, and the UNM Los Alamos branch serves 48% minority students.

The Division for Equity and Inclusion posits that inclusive excellence requires a healthy and inclusive campus climate and refers to the processes by which the University leverages diversity as its’ strength to enhance an understanding and connection with diverse communities, ensure the success of all UNM students, and advance the academic enterprise.

UNM Human Resources

The objective of Human Resources is to continually enhance the lives of our faculty and staff by advancing professional development opportunities, recruiting and retaining a talented and diverse workforce, providing employee wellness programs to support faculty and staff in achieving a work-life balance.

Our leadership team persistently focuses on enhancing the quality and consistency of our services to create a positive organizational culture and to improve the overall experience at UNM.

For faculty, the Office for Academic Personnel (OAP) provides information to administrators and faculty to help them navigate policies and procedures that govern their rights and responsibilities as UNM employees.

Staff Council

The Staff Council is an elected body that addresses issues of particular interest to staff. It serves as a full partner with other University constituent groups in providing input into the governance of the University. The purpose of the University of New Mexico Staff Council is to represent the interests of all staff, and to serve as an important source of input into the issues and decisions of the University as they relate to the general welfare of the staff of the University of New Mexico (UNM). The Staff Council shall represent UNM Staff to the University administration, and the Staff Council president shall serve as an advisory member of the Board of Regents.

Provost Committee for Staff (PCS)

The Provost's Committee for Staff was founded in 1989 and is comprised of staff members in areas of the university that report to the Provost. This committee was created to assist the Provost in providing opportunities for staff development, recognition and service. Members of this committee represent staff on issues that affect staff, disseminating information, and carrying out activities regarding staff development and recognition. Committee meetings are once per month.