Funding Support
Provost Professional Conference Support Funds
The reputation of the University is enhanced when our faculty are able to share their ideas and discoveries widely with their colleagues, and sharing the good work of our faculty will bring positive outcomes for the university. To be fully engaged in our mission of intellectual enquiry and creative production, our faculty must connect with their peers around the world. The best ideas cannot be developed or tested in isolation from the global network of knowledge.
Various UNM departments already provide travel funds to assist faculty to attend professional conferences. However, we recognize that department and college travel funds for faculty have become more constrained and are inconsistently available. Therefore, the Office of the Provost has set aside a modest pool of funds intended to supplement limited department and college level support.
This program will provide up to $2000 per tenured or tenure-track Albuquerque campus faculty member for the purpose of travel to present a paper or results at a professional conference, or to attend an exhibition or performance of their own creative work. Funding is limited to one award per faculty member per year.
Priority will be given to Assistant Professors for whom establishing scholarly networks is most critical. However, requests for funds will be accepted from faculty in all tenured and tenure-track ranks.
Minimum eligibility requirements: Recipients must –
- Demonstrate that cost of planned travel exceeds all other sources of funding, including research grants, discretionary funds, and existing departmental and college travel funds.
- Be current tenure track or tenured Albuquerque campus faculty
- Be using the funds to present a scholarly paper or creative work, or otherwise systematically share results of their scholarly investigations or creative works at a professional conference. This program does not support general conference attendance. • Secure a sign-off from a department chair or dean authorizing the travel and attesting to the need for supplemental funding for the proposed trip. Note: The provost travel funds can used to augment existing funds, and funding from this program is intended to be the last dollar.
- Travel must otherwise meet all applicable UNM policies, and recipients must provide a college or departmental index to which the provided funds will be transferred.
In order to promote community and sharing of ideas within UNM, any faculty member whose travel is supported on this program is encouraged to present a short version of their work, or share a new insight they gained from their conference, at a UNM venue, ideally beyond the recipient’s home department. This could include presenting at Lightning Lounge, CTL workshops, or another extra-departmental colloquium.
Note: faculty who are writing grants for external funding should always try to include conference travel as one of their direct costs.
Applications will open through InfoReady on Monday, February 10th and are due by 11:59pm on Friday, February 28th. Award announcements will be made mid-March. For inquiries, please email
For inquiries, please email
International Opportunities
Study Abroad Allocations Committee
Request for Proposals: AY 2024-2025 Study Abroad Allocations Committee
Each year, members of a Study Abroad Allocation Committee (SAAC) evaluate and make decisions about proposals for the development of a new study abroad opportunity and faculty-led study abroad experiences for UNM students.
SAAC is pleased to announce two Requests for Proposals (RFPs) for faculty from Main Campus, the Law School, and the Health Sciences Center for AY 2024-2025.
Faculty-led Study Abroad Programs: The Associate Provost for Faculty Success requests proposals for small grants to support UNM faculty-led study-abroad programs for the academic year 2024-2025. The primary purpose of funding is to make faculty-led study-abroad more affordable for students by covering certain fixed program costs. Applicants for faculty-led programs must also initiate a program registration with the Global Education Office. The registration does not need to be completed but must be initiated coincident with the application to SAAC.
Please note that all applicants who have previously had SAAC funding for a faculty-led study abroad program must have filed their final report for the previous program. See the final report guidelines for details.
Development of New Study Abroad Programs: The Associate Provost for Faculty Success requests proposals for small grants to support preparatory travel by faculty during academic year 2024-2025 and summer 2025, for the purpose of establishing future study-abroad programs. The primary purpose of funding is to encourage the development of new, high-quality faculty-led study-abroad programs by enabling interested faculty to visit possible host sites, people, and institutions. These are planning awards for initial exploratory travel, not awards for the student-led trip itself (see above). Applicants should make particular effort to explain the choice of location, the applicant’s expertise in the country or region, and steps already taken to establish contacts in the host country and areas.
Please note that all applicants who have previously had SAAC funding for a program development study abroad program must have filed their final report for the previous program. See the final report guidelines for details.
Proposals for both programs are due by 5:00pm on October 18, 2024 and should be submitted through InfoReady. Entries in the InfoReady system will substitute for the ‘coversheet’ requirement in previous years. You will submit your Budget Excel, using the relevant template provided above, and Proposal, in PDF format, as attachments in your InfoReady application. Proposals are limited to six (6) pages excluding budget and supplemental materials, if any. Incomplete proposals will not be considered. Successful proposals will be announced in November.
The UNM Global Education Office has additional information relevant to international activities:
Study Abroad for Students
GEO is responsible for international recruitment and admissions, creates opportunities to study and work overseas through exchange and education abroad programs, offers immigration, orientation, and co-curricular advising services for international students and scholars who study and work at UNM, provides intensive English language programs at the intermediate to advanced level, and develops short-term certificate programs for adult learners.
Latin American & Iberian Institute (LAII)
The Latin American and Iberian Institute (LAII) fosters research and education within UNM about the cultures, languages, history, and societies of these world regions, and works to share UNM’s expertise and resources with partners including Central New Mexico Community College, K-12 schools, the National Hispanic Cultural Center, Instituto Cervantes, and other organizations in the community.
LAII supports area specialists in all fields, facilitating ties to Latin American institutions, and providing an extra-departmental community of scholars with shared regional interests, skills, and commitments. Faculty Field Research Grants seed new research; Interdisciplinary Project Development grants facilitate collaboration, workshops, and proposal development; and ongoing faculty working groups promote interdisciplinary dialog. Each year an interdisciplinary symposium endowed by the late Professor Richard Greenleaf highlights a different Latin American theme, with participation and collaboration by internal and external scholars.
LAII houses and funds the interdisciplinary Latin American Studies program, which offers BA, MA, and PhD degrees drawing on course offerings from over 30 departments across 9 colleges of the university. LAS alumni hold a variety of positions in business, government, education, and non-profit work, using the languages skills, regional knowledge, and analytical tools they learned through the program. LAS offers four dual degree programs pairing the LAS degree with professional degrees in law, population health, business administration, and community and regional planning.
Explore networking opportunities to connect with Fulbrighters in UNM Communities!
For Faculty: Explore opportunities to go abroad with the Fulbright Scholar Program. With more than 800 awards annually to 135+ countries, find the right Fulbright for you.
For Students: Explore the Fulbright U.S. Student Program. Grants for individually designed study/research projects or for English Teaching Assistant Programs.