RPT: UNM's Online Dossier Review System
Retention, Promotion and Tenure reviews for Main and Branch campus faculty must use UNM’s online system for dossier-building and review management system, RPT. The RPT application, developed by UNM’s Institute of Design and Innovation, was successfully piloted by the College of Engineering during AY2015/16, and went into full production effective AY2016/17 to support all Main and Branch campus faculty retention, promotion and tenure reviews.
The system can be accessed at: http://rpt.unm.edu. Authentication is controlled by UNM’s Central Authentication Service via NetID and password.
Within the application, at each level of review, department, college and Provost Office system administrators control access. The content is organized in tiers which system administrators use to control viewing and the ability to load review materials. Each candidate is assigned a confidential section in which to assemble their dossier. Dossiers are assembled by uploading, or dragging and dropping files into the system, which then automatically generates an indexed PDF of the entire dossier. Supplemental materials such as large manuscripts or videos can also be loaded onto the server for access by reviewers via a URL.
Prior to gaining access to the RPT system, internal reviewers must affirm that they will protect candidates’ right to content confidentiality. Reviewer opinions are kept confidential from the candidate, by both policy and system architecture. RPT data are stored in a secure, cloud-based platform under license which ensures the vendor will comply with FERPA and other confidentiality requirements for personnel records.
Future enhancements to the software are planned. Development goals include enabling an online faculty voting system, and enabling external reviewer access to the candidate dossier.
Please send suggestions for future refinement of the system to rpthelp@unm.edu.