Associate Provost for Faculty Success

Faculty Development Council

This council was formed in 2019 by Academic Affairs and ADVANCE at UNM to coordinate efforts across the campus to build stronger faculty skills, enhance career development, trouble-shoot and eliminate obstacles to faculty success, support department chairs in their administrative roles, and improve consistency of practices and procedures across Academic Affairs.  The council is chaired by Associate Provost for Faculty Success Bill Stanley, and for 2023-2024 includes Director of Online Strategies Elisha Allen;  Associate Provost for Student Success Pamela Cheek; Julia Fulghum (ADVANCE at UNM and Arts and Sciences); Aeron Haynie (Center for Teaching and Learning),  ,, Lisa Marchiondo (ADVANCE at UNM and Management);  Senior Vice Provost Barbara Rodriquez; Irene Salinas (NIH FIRST and Biology); Stephanie Spong (Center for Teaching and Learning), Assistant Vice President for Research Melissa Emery Thompson (Office of the Vice President for Research); Hannah Torres (Faculty Research Development Office), The council organizes a year-round series of New Faculty events, leadership training programs, the Faculty Lightning Lounge (a monthly event of fast presentations on research and teaching innovations), as well as a periodic Chairs’ and Directors’ Colloquium. 

New Faculty Orientation

Each August and January, the Office of the Provost hosts New Faculty Orientation (NFO) to help arriving colleagues identify and make use of the many resources available to support their work, and to become familiar with UNM policies and processes. New faculty should consult the steps!

For all new faculty the next orientation will be on Monday, August 12th in the Jackson Student Center at the Anderson Building. Check-in starts at 7:30am, and the orientation will begin promptly at 8:00am.  The programming relevant to temporary and part time faculty will end by 2:30pm. Full-time faculty should plan for this to be an all-day event. Lunch will be served.

Faculty employed at UNM Branch Campuses should contact their branch Dean of Instruction for information on orientation.

The agenda includes: 

  • Who are UNM students?
  • Supports for Effective Teaching
  • Student Conduct, Due Process, and CARE
  • Accessibility Service for Students
  • College of University Libraries and Learning Services
  • Academic Technologies
  • Policies, Norms, and Process to Prevent Discrimination at UNM
  • Student Privacy, Information Transparency, and Regulatory Compliance
  • UNM Bookstore
  • Support for Faculty Well-being
  • Research Support
  • Supporting Graduate Students

All new faculty starting in August should plan to attend and should register at the following link to receive details regarding orientation:

ADVANCE at UNM maintains a New Faculty Welcome Page with individual profiles of new faculty members, information about NFO, and welcome messages from UNM Provost James Holloway and Vice-President for Research Ellen Fisher. New faculty members will receive invitations by email from ADVANCE to contribute a photo and answer a short questionnaire to complete your profile. 

Meanwhile, welcome to the UNM faculty! 

Resources for Faculty

Provost's Professional Conference Support Program

The reputation of the University is enhanced when our faculty are able to share their ideas and discoveries widely with their colleagues, and sharing the good work of our faculty will bring positive outcomes for the university. To be fully engaged in our mission of intellectual enquiry and creative production, our faculty must connect with their peers around the world. The best ideas cannot be developed or tested in isolation from the global network of knowledge.

This program provides up to $2000 per tenured or tenure-track Albuquerque campus faculty member for purposes of travel to present a paper or results at a professional conference. Funding is limited to one award per faculty member per year, and priority is given to junior faculty, although faculty of all ranks are regularly awarded.

The program generally has three rounds of review per semester.

For additional information, see:

Submit Application here

Support for Effective Teaching

The most effective teachers are themselves lifelong learners. In that spirit, UNM’s Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) supports all learners, from first year undergraduates to experienced faculty members.  For instructors, CTL offers workshops, digital learning “Open Labs”; Educational Technology Tutorials; Instructional Designer support for online teaching, including course design reviews; in-person consultations for face-to-face teaching; teaching observation; and mid-semester feedback surveys. For more information contact the Center for Teaching and Learning.

Faculty Assistance with Workplace and Work/Life Challenges

Ombuds/Dispute Resolution Services for Faculty  
The UNM University Ombuds office provides faculty with confidential consultation and facilitation services for workplace concerns and conflicts.  The purpose of Ombuds services is to help resolve problems early, informally, and confidentially.  Effective fall 2023, all ombuds services for faculty, staff, and graduate students will be consolidated through a single office.

Counseling, Assistance, and Referral Services (CARS)
CARS promotes a healthy work-life balance by providing confidential on-site and remote services to assist UNM faculty and staff members with professional and personal concerns.

Distinguished Professors

Each year, the Office of the Provost issues a call for nominations for the rank of Distinguished Professor.  A senior faculty committee is convened by the Office of the Provost and the Office of the Executive Vice-President for Health Sciences, in consultation with the Faculty Senate Operations Committee, to review nominations. This is the highest faculty rank that the university bestows and is awarded only to a few of its most prominent faculty members.  Procedures for nominations are outlined in the annual call, linked below. To be considered, nominations must have the support of departmental colleagues, department chair, college dean, and must include a minimum of six external letters from prominent senior scholars, primarily at R1 universities and international equivalents. Nominating departments are responsible for obtaining external review letters, and may do so only with the approval of the relevant college dean. See the annual call for nominations for further details.  

Faculty Awards

UNM offers a range of campus-wide awards to recognize exceptional work by faculty. At the recommendation of the Faculty Senate Research Policy Committee, those awards are listed on a consolidated page here.

International Affairs

UNM maintains a wide range of international connections through the research and service work of our faculty, international students, study abroad and exchange opportunities, international fellowships, and cooperation agreements.  Of particular interest to faculty are the Global Education Office, which oversees all international agreements and exchanges, and supports short term programs bringing international students to UNM; the Latin American and Iberian Institute, which supports faculty development, faculty and student research, travel support, and academic events and programs related to Latin America and Iberia;  the Fulbright US Scholar Program, which offers a wide range of opportunities for faculty at all ranks and in all specializations to serve and learn abroad for periods ranging from 2 to 12 months; and the Study Abroad Allocations Committee, which supports faculty-led study abroad programs.
